Our mission is to raise keiki to know their worth as God's children and to be shaped into their identity through encounters with God. We aim to provide a safe, loving environment where keiki can have fun and be themselves while learning about the Bible and discovering who God has called them to be.
Preparing keiki for God's great adventure!
the Tidepool: Birth - 1
At The Tidepool, we love providing a safe, clean place for your little ones birth - 2 years old to experience the best care while you enjoy the adult service distraction-free. We have tons of toys for your keiki to play with as well as a swing and a crib for nap time if needed. Because we want to provide an atmosphere where your babies learn that they are special and loved by God we carefully select our nursery workers to ensure we provide the quality nurturing your little ones need. For nursing moms, rocking chairs are available behind a curtain for privacy. The Tide Pool features a giant flat screen TV for playing fun worship music and for watching Bible-based videos.
The Reef: 2-4
The Reef is a place where your energetic preschoolers can have tons of fun while learning about Jesus’ love for them! Childcare is available for the duration of the whole service in our newly remodeled classrooms. Sundays at The Reef look like guided play time, keiki video worship involving fun motion songs using our beautiful flat screen TV’s, an interactive and exciting Bible storytelling experience, and crafts and activities to help reinforce what they’re learning about God each week. Your keiki will love it!
The Harbor: K - 5th Grade
Your 1st - 5th grade keiki will enjoy every minute of their experience at The Harbor! Each week we create a keiki program that is packed with fun! From high-energy worship using videos on our flat screen TV to interactive and engaging Bible teaching using vibrant digital images, kids will learn that Jesus loves to have fun! We also love to play games in group settings, do crafts, and provide a snack during each service. Let us know if your keiki have any special needs or allergies and we will be careful to ensure they receive the best care. The best part is that we equip you, the parents and/or caretakers, with resources to help reinforce what they learned about God each Sunday at home! We can’t wait to hang out with your keiki this Sunday!
The voyagers: 6th - 8th Grade
At this time, middle schoolers stay in service with the adults.
How we accomplish Our Mission
1. Loving our keiki
At KBC, we place a high value on family and fun. We show our keiki and their parents love by providing the following.
We establish proper safeguards for the safety of our keiki.
- Proper rules of conduct for teachers and children of opposite genders
- Bathroom rules between adults and children
We provide clean and safe classrooms for our keiki to play and learn in.
- Sterilize nursery toys after use
- Sanitize floors after class
- Are mindful of children's allergy needs
We facilitate an environment where keiki are accepted and encouraged.
We strive to have a healthy ratio of adults to children in classrooms so teachers can develop one-on-one relationships with the kids.
We speak their language.
We share about Jesus in a way that our kids can understand. This means using a modern, Bible-based curriculum, audio/video technology, dynamic activities, and a fun rewards system.
We make sure they have fun!
We want to be marked by the joy of the Lord and believe that where kids are laughing, they our learning.
2. Teaching the Word of God
(Proverbs 22:6; Psalm 119:105; Psalm 119:11)
Through a Bible-based curriculum, we share the Gospel with our kids and lay a firm foundation for their spiritual growth.
3. Equipping parents to teach their keiki the Bible at home
(Deuteronomy 6:7; Ephesians 6:1)
We strive to provide resources, classes, and community life that encourage parents in raising their kids in a Godly way.
4. Equipping keiki to be activated in spiritual gifts
(Joel 2:28)
We pray and prophesy over our children and allow space for our kids to be used by God.
We teach our kids how to be activated in spiritual gifts such as:
- prophesy
- speaking in tongues
- healing
- evangelism
We teach our kids what it means to worship in spirit and in truth.
5. Teaching keiki to hear from God for themselves
(John 10:27)
We provide a place for kids to have an encounter with God through listening prayer and worship.
We teach kids to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.